Sunday, March 20, 2011


Report essay

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Word Super-power 9

Potentially: possibly, able to happen, likely.
The people who lives under dictatorship potentially stand up and require that dictator to abdicate.

Proposal: suggestions, recommendations; ask to marry.
If anyone has any ideas to design something, they can send their proposals to that company. So then, they'll become Collaborators.

Hazard: dangers, troubles, dynamite, jeopardy, peril, threat.
The job as Firefighters might have hazards if they make any vital mistakes when they rescue the people in fire.

Enpowered: authorize, enable, delegate, allowable.
The guns are empowered in some countries because the people need to secure and protect themselves from hazards and thieves.

Ample: abundant, diversity, bountiful, extensive, copious.
The resources of the world used to be ample, it helps human devolopment rise. But now, it turns to be almost run-out and exhausted.

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